3 Main Steps to Increase Search Engine Ranking via Article Marketing
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It's everybody's goal to be found at the top search engine result pages for the keywords selected. As a matter of fact, it's the best outcome of a successful organic search engine optimization campaign. To achieve this, there are a handful of methods that could contribute to obtain such desirable result. One of the most effective ones is SEO article Marketing. In order to conduct an SEO article marketing campaign, there are certain steps that should be taken. I explain them one by one here so that you could follow what I mean. Step One: Perform a Keyword Research Every goal-oriented SEO effort has got one thing in mind: To get found for certain keywords in search engines. To make this happen, the initial step is to do a research on the keywords related to your website content and find the string of words, keyphrase, that internet searchers are really typing while looking for the kind of content your site is offering. There are various resources online, some free and some paid ones, to help you find such key phrases. A good example of the free keyword research tool is "Google AdWords Keyword Tool". Also, if you're looking for a well-known paid service for conducting keyword research online, you might like "WordTracker"! Once you find the keywords for your article, it's time to take the second step toward achieving your search engine rankings. Step Two: Create Content Using Your Selected Keywords Now that you've discovered which keywords to target, start writing your article. Before everything else, let's stress on one very important point: write for your human readers first. It's true that you're trying to attract search engines' attention to increase search engine ranking for your keywords, but an article is first written for your human readers, then for search engines. The interesting point is that search engines should first help human readers find it! You should use your keywords in a natural way in the title, first paragraph, body of the article, and the last paragraph. It's not the number of times your keyword is repeated that determines your article marketing's success. Other factors are involved. You could use synonyms, words of the same root, etc to manage to improve your search engine ranking. Step Three: Distribute Your Article Powerfully This last step is very important. You could have performed an excellent keyword discovery, written a unique SEO article, but distributed it poorly as an enough measure to put your article to death instantly. Distribution matters very much. Some people believe that the best way to spread your content on the web is to send it to a handful of the most famous article directories on the web to gain top ranking in search engines while others have a different opinion: They believe that the more websites publish your content, the more visibility you'll get. Actually, the majority of those who believe SEO article marketing is a great way to increase search engine ranking, would vote for the second approach. So, you will have two options here: 1) Send your articles to the article directories via submission softwares, OR 2) Use an online service to spread your content to various sites and blogs for maximum visibility. The Secret to Successful SEO Article Writing You should perform content writing and distribution as a consistent and regular method. Commit to a plan that you could continue doing like 3 times a week, once a week, etc. then, stay within the plan you've set for yourself and go on with it as an ongoing process. In the long run, the results you attain and retain will be worth it.
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